Student Performance Report Shows Significant Growth and Achievement at EHPS
Posted on 09/22/2023
Students in classroom working

East Hartford Public Schools is celebrating student performance growth during the 2022-2023 school year. The state of Connecticut releases summative data each year that demonstrates how students performed in high-stakes assessments such as the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) and the SAT compared to previous years. From this data, East Hartford can assess its performance on a district and school level compared to state and national data benchmarks.

This year, East Hartford students taking the SBAC (Grades 3-8) matched or exceeded the district’s highest performance in both English/Language Arts and Mathematics since we began giving the assessment in 2015. East Hartford students also surpassed the state in growth targets achieved on these exams with 58.8% in ELA compared to a state percentage of 57.2% and 64.2% in Math compared to the state’s 61.8%. On the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Assessment (Grades 5, 8 and 11), East Hartford students reached a historic high, with consistent growth year over year in grades 5 and 8.

“We attribute this to our consistency, our rigor, our urgency and the highest expectations of all of our students and our staff as we deliver high-quality instruction,” said Assistant Superintendent Elsie Torres while presenting this data during the Board of Education meeting on September 18.

High School students taking the SAT were holding steady for several years in meeting the performance benchmark, but scores dipped last year following the pandemic. In 2023, East Hartford saw a 4% increase in Evidence-based Reading and Writing and a 2% increase in Mathematics.

“We are really thrilled with the results we saw last year. Our teachers, our principals, our coaches, all of our administrators, and particularly our students have worked really hard certainly the results show that,” said Deputy Superintendent Anne Marie Mancini. “We celebrate the results the day they come in and we are already working the next day to say, ‘How can we get better?’”

Click here to view the presentation by Asst. Superintendent Torres and Deputy Superintendent Mancini. (Begins at timecode 16:00)